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Fibre Procurement Policy


XINXIANG CHEMICAL FIBRE CO.,LTD is committed to play a leadership role in the dissolving pulp & cellulosic fibre industry and will work with our dissolving pulp suppliers  in order to promote sustainable forest management and protect ancient and endangered forests.


XINXIANG CHEMICAL FIBRE CO.,LTD  supports the production of cellulosic fibres & fabrics from wood fibre that is not sourced from ancient and endangered forests, such as not sourced from tropical rain forest in Indonesia and Northern Boreal Forests in Canada, etc., unless there is an authoritative conservation plans or FSC certification in the place.


The following principles only apply to man-made cellulosic fibres, fabrics and textiles, including but not limited to rayon, viscose, lyocell and modal  This commitment applies to our own scope of operation and procurement practices.


Scope of Commitment


We will purchase only from raw material suppliers that are transparent, traceable and compliant with this policy.


If suppliers violate these standards, we will first help them change their production behavior, and if we find that their fibers come from areas prohibited by policy, we will reassess whether to maintain cooperation with them.


Conservation of Ancient & Endangered Forests and Intact Forest Landscapes:


XINXIANG CHEMICAL FIBRE CO.,LTD will follow the principles of international forest management organizations to purchase dissolving pulp, such as Canopy will give us guidance.


So,we will assess our existing use of wood pulp and fibre and ensure that we are not using the raw material sourced from ancient and endangered forests areas such as the Canadian and Russian Boreal Forests; Coastal Temperate Rainforests; tropical forests and peatlands of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa, or endangered species habitat.


Recognizing, respecting and Supporting human rights and the rights of communities


We will eliminate sourcing fibre from controversial sources including companies that are logging forests illegallyiii and from tree plantations established after 1994 through the conversion or simplification of natural forests.


We hereby request that our suppliers respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and comply with indigenous and rural communities legal, customary or user rights to their territories, land, and resources. To do so, we require that our suppliers respect the right of Indigenous People and rural communities to give or withhold their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) before new logging rights are allocated or tree plantations are developed, resolve complaints and conflicts, and remediate prior human rights violations through a transparent and accountable grievance mechanism and mutually agreeable dispute resolution process.


Innovative and Alternative Fibre Development


We will collaborate with our suppliers to explore and promote the development of fibre sources that reduce environmental and social impacts. Where appropriate, we will play an active role in the research and development and eventual adoption of commercial scale production of pulp and cellulosic fibre made from alternative fibre sources such as agricultural residuesv and recycled fibres.


Advocacy for Conservation Solutions


Working with our suppliers we will support collaborative and visionary system solutions and protect remaining ancient and endangered forests such as the Coastal Temperate Rainforests of Vancouver Island and Great Bear Rainforest, Canada’s Boreal Forests,and Indonesia’s Rainforests.


Forest Certification

本公司将优先选择获得森林管理委员会认证的负责任管理的森林材料,其中包括优先选择获得FSC 认证的种植林。

We will preference fibre sourced from forests that are responsibly managed forests, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification system including FSC- certified plantation forest.


Transparency, Traceability and Verification


We will work with stakeholders to develop third party verification systems of our operations and supply chain to achieve free certification of ancient & endangered forest by 2017.


Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Footprint


Recognizing the importance of forests and peatlands as carbon storehouses, we will support initiatives that advance forest conservation to reduce the loss of high carbon value forests, by encouraging vendors and suppliers to avoid harvesting in these areas, and by giving preference to those that use effective strategies to actively reduce their greenhouse gas footprint.


Pollution Prevention


Dissolving pulp and viscose manufacturing is a resource-intensive process that may be lead to air and water pollution that impact overall environmental quality. This policy does not solve these critical environmental issues, however, we will invest in and use the cleanest dissolving pulp and viscose manufacturing technology.




We recognize the importance of spreading environmental protection awareness among our customers, employees and peers. As such, we will highlight our environmental protection concept on our website and in public communications.














原始濒危森林指完整森林景观、天然稀有林、由于人类活动导致其稀有的森林类型和或其它对维持生物多样性及生态完整性具有关键生态价值的森林。濒危森林包括:完整森林景观、残余森林和核心恢复区、景观连接度、稀有森林、物种丰富的森林、稀有濒危物种聚集的森林、特有森林、重点物种的核心栖息地、表现出稀有生态和演化现象的森林。为了定位原始濒危森林,可使用FSC森林管理委员会定义的HCV高保护价值森林地图,以及高保护价值资源网络和IFL完整森林景观,同时还可参考其它关键生态价值和碳汇价值的地图,比如重要濒危物种栖息地、高陆地碳汇的森林、泥炭地和高碳汇林HCS。(怀伊河联盟的濒危森林:高保护价值森林的保护----企业承诺指南。该指南已经获得环保组织、企业和诸如生物保护研究所的主席兼执行总裁Jim Stritholtt博士等科学家的审阅,并在众多企业的森林采购政策中采用。)关键 濒危森林包括加拿大和俄罗斯北方林,英属哥伦比亚、阿拉斯加和智利的沿海温带雨林,印度尼西亚、亚马逊和西非的热带 雨林和泥炭地。

Definition of ancient and endangered forest :

Ancient and Endangered Forest are defined as intact forest landscape mosaics, naturally rare forest types, forest types that have been made rare due to human activity, and/or other forests that are ecologically critical for the maintenance of biological diversity and ecological integrity. Ecological components of endangered forests are: Intact forest landscapes; Remnant forests and restoration cores; Landscape connectivity; Rare forest types; Forests of high species richness; Forests containing high concentrations of rare and endangered species; Forests of high endemism; Core habitat for focal species; Forests exhibiting rare ecological and evolutionary phenomena. As a starting point to geographically locate ancient and endangered forests, maps of High Conservation Value Forests and areas (HCV), as defined by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the High Conservation Value Resource Network, and of intact forest landscapes (IFL), can be used and paired with maps of other key ecological and carbon values like the habitat range of key endangered species and forests containing high concentrations of terrestrial carbon, peatlands and High Carbon Stocks (HCS). (The Wye River Coalition’s Endangered Forests: High Conservation Value Forests Protection – Guidance for Corporate Commitments. This has been reviewed by conservation groups, corporations, and scientists such as Dr. Jim Stritholtt, President and Executive Director of the Conservation Biology Institute, and has been adopted by corporations for their forest sourcing policies). Key endangered forests globally are the Canadian and Russian Boreal Forests; Coastal Temperate Rainforests of British Columbia, Alaska and Chile; Tropical forests and peat lands of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa.

完整森林景观IFL是指没有遭到破坏的自然生态系统,没有大量人类活动,面积大因此可以维持所有自然生物多样性,包括 广泛分布着不同物种。

Intact Forest Landscape (IFL)  is an unbroken expanse of natural ecosystems within the zone of current forest extent, showing no signs of significant human activity, and large enough that all native biodiversity, including viable populations of wide-ranging species, could be maintained.


Legal forest management is management that complies with all applicable international, national, and local laws, including environmental, forestry, and civil rights laws and treaties.

农业剩余指的是食品生产或其它加工过程中产生的废料/副产品。循环使用能最大化纤维的生命周期。这些纤维可包括亚麻、 甘蔗和大麻,采伐方式不一。

Agricultural residues are residues/by-products left over from food production or other processes and using them maximizes the lifecycle of the fibre. Depending on how they are harvested, fibres may include flax, bagasse, and hemp.

沿海温带雨林曾经占地球面积的 0.2%,如今只有不到 25%的面积原地保存下来。目前只有落实了权威森林保护解决方案的 沿海温带雨林才有采伐许可。加拿大英属哥伦比亚沿海温带雨林区域内占地 640 万公顷的大熊雨林已经完成保护方案的立 法化。2016 年2 月1 日英属哥伦比亚政府、第一民族、环保组织和森林产业共同发布一项生态系统管理框架,约定该区域 85%为禁伐区,另 15%的区域具有严格的伐木规定。只有这些协议正完全落实实施,从该原始濒危森林地区采购才可视为合规。我们鼓励在该区域获得伐木许可的公司定期更新FSC 认证,以保持合规性。

Coastal temperate rainforests originally covered 0.2% of the planet, and now less than 25% of these forests remain in their original state. We will consider sourcing from areas within the coastal temperate rainforests where credible conservation solutions are finalized. A legal conservation plan is now finalized for the Great Bear Rainforest a region of 6.4 million hectares within the Coastal Temperate Rainforest zone of British Columbia Canada.  On February 1st, 2016 the Government of British Columbia, First Nations, environmental organizations and the forest industry announced an Ecosystem-based Management framework that sets 85% of this region off limits to logging and stringent logging rules in the other 15%. Provided these agreements are fully implemented – sourcing from this ancient and endangered forest region can be considered to be within sustainable levels. We encourage ongoing verification of this through renewal of Forest Stewardship Council certification by the logging tenure holders in the region.

加拿大北方林含有全球最大的非冻淡水资源,也是全球最大的陆地碳汇地之一 – 相当于全球连续26 年的化石能源消耗量。 Canopy 致力于与各方合作,在加拿大北方林建立新的保护区,保护濒危物种,执行可持续性伐木的政策。


Canada’s Boreal Forest contain the largest source of unfrozen freshwater world wide and are part of the world’s largest terrestrial carbon sink – equivalent to 26 years worth of global fossil fuel use. Canopy is committed to working collaboratively on the establishment of new protected areas, the protection of endangered species and the implementation of sustainable harvesting in Canada’s Boreal Forest.

This region is slated for the largest increase in mills for dissolving pulp that goes into cellulose-based fabrics.

印度尼西亚是全球森林砍伐率排名第二的热带国家。苏门答腊岛首当其冲,由于大量的森林砍伐,苏门答腊岛70%的森林面 积被转化(FAO 森林评估 2010; Margono, B.A. et al. 2012)。印尼拥有全球10%的哺乳动物、16%的鸟类物种、11%的植物物种 以及70 吨碳汇储量。Canopy 和其它NGO 合作伙伴正努力推进勒塞尔生态系统的长期保护方案,勒塞尔是猩猩、老虎、大 象、犀牛和太阳熊仍然共存的最后一片生态地。

Indonesia experiences the second highest rate of deforestation among tropical countries, with the island of Sumatra standing out due to the intensive forest clearing that has resulted in the conversion of 70% of the island's forested area (FAO Forest Assessment 2010; Margono, B.A. et al. 2012). Indonesia is home to 10% of the world’s mammals, 16% of bird species, 11% of plant species and 70 tons of carbon. Canopy and our NGO partners are focused on forwarding lasting protection of the Leuser Ecosystem – the last place on earth where orangutans, tigers, elephants, rhinoceros and sun bears still co-exist.


Plantations area areas that have been “established by planting or sowing using either alien or native species, often with few species, regular spacing and even ages, and which lack most of the principal characteristics and key elements of natural forests”.






投诉电话:0373-3977322   联系人:阮俊杰


投诉受理邮箱: ruanjj_jcc@bailu.Cn

2019年6月24日 14:31